Renewable Energy Engineering Students’ Association(REESA-UENR)

Renewable Energy Engineering Students’ Association (REESA) is the name for students enrolled in UENR to pursue a programme in Renewable Energy Engineering. The Membership of REESA comprises of full members, associate members and honorary members. In no aspect of its programmes shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons on the basis of race, creed, colour, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, or any other classification which would deprive the person of consideration as a member. 


"REESA, The World Moves on Energy.

Aims and Objectives

  • To act on behalf and in the interest of its members on matters within its jurisdiction.
  • To represent the interest of the members at the SRC level.
  • To formulate and execute initiatives related to our field of study. Such initiatives shall include seminars, workshop, field trips, games, and others in the interest of the members.
  • The association will guarantee that equal opportunity and /or equal access to membership, activities, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons.
  • To promote unity and ensure peaceful resolution of differences amongst members.
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