UENR - School of Engineering
World Class School of Excellence For Generating, Advancing And Applying Knowledge In Energy.
World Class School of Excellence For Generating, Advancing And Applying Knowledge In Energy.
The Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering was established a year after the University started to operate in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering after accreditation has been given by the National Accreditation Board. The various programme in the department provides students with excellent and a quality education that will train them in acquiring Technical, Innovative and deep skills and Knowledge needed by the next generation of highly qualified engineers to solves problems.
The objectives of the programmes are:
The programmes have well-structured core and elective courses to ensure that students gain hands-on and problem-based learning experiences. It also has Research Component, Competence-Base Training (CBT), Problem-Based Learning (PBL) component as well as Practical Training, Industrial attachment/internship and Industry based field trips.
Students can gain employment in variety of listed institutions/organizations/companies such as Ministry of Energy, Energy Commission, Electricity Utility, Electric Power Generation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy, National Communications Authority, Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, Civil Aviation, Research institutions, Manufacturing Companies, etc.